Hi. I'm Samala,

Samala Sai Kumar. And this is my Profile

Learn about what I do


Developing Apps for Windows 8 Store, Windows Phone and Office Apps

Windows 8

Apps that will help the users, have entertainment and do much more on their PC.

Windows Phone

Apps related to education and fun, showing tips on various topics.

Office Apps

That really helps the users to create the documents easily with integrating my apps to their documents.

Awesome work makes me happy and clients.

Check out my recent works, projects that I'm doing and which are recently done.

Web Site

The Website that helped my classmates in finding the latest and interesting stuff that is going on in the college regularly and get updated in time.

Windows Apps


Apps that really helps the users in learning the things, and having fun with. About 30+ apps including Windows 8 & Phone were developed recently.

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